Sussex Health Through Fishing

Sussex Health Through Fishing 


I started this concept in 2019 when i was running an on line business called The Fishing Buddy. At that time i was a level one angling coach ,i ran a club, many social events and fishing was 100% my life.  This all came to abrupt halt and due to life long depression i had to step away from everything. 


I have personally suffered with mental health issues from my earliest memories at 7 years old. Experiencing issues with mental abuse, physical and even sexual abuse i have gone through life as like walking through quicksand. It was not until. i became single that i found the time by myself enabled me to finally process all these issues. 


Now with the aid of a fantastic theropist i feel im starting to understand myself and not to blame myself for what happened to me. This last year has proven one thing anything, there is just not enough of a support network out there. As i am a single male able to hold down a professional job i am unable to get any help from the NHS. This leaves with no option but to self fund the vital therapy that i desperately need.


Fishing was my life until my seperation at which point it stopped completely, I set this group back then in order to help others in a similar situation. My aim is to create a safe space, introduce people to the sport and show them how fantastically therapeutic it can be. During these sessions i will try and organise therapists and other professionals to walk around informally and chat over a cuppa.It is my hope that these informal sessions will allow others to at least start the healing journey and my personal experiences can help build a strong safe group which benefits the community.